Sunday, August 16, 2009

peach arizona's rule

Took a tripp to the ever populaire ching skate park today, supeerr hot plus the sun and dead battery drew the day to a close problyy a little earlyy than most sesh;s. but it was pritty dope. me james nate joe all went out and met layton WOODY + annonomus(i wasnt introduced) rich and poshhhy. we copped some footage, and some arizona's as well as some pizza, that just didnt sit the best. i fucked up the kick front board (idk i just didnt pull out and missed ya a bit nate. sorry haha) i over exposedd a bit but im still workin out some kinksss slow learner alright, nxt time brigth white concrete on a sunny day ill put the exposure down.. made this when i got home... enjoyy